Wednesday, December 28, 2011

On the Third Day After Christmas, Santa Brought to Sophie...

 ♩ ♫ ♩ flu shot....
....a double ear infection....
....and another new toooooooooth...♩ ♩♫

Yup, my Sophie was lucky enough to get/have discovered all of those things today.

Last week when Sophie went for her 15 month check-up, I wouldn't let them give her 3 shots at once. Multiple shots like that have always given Sophie high fevers, so I wanted to give her a break in between shots by taking two that day and one the following week. So, Joe took her in today for her flu shot (the shot she didn't get last week). The nurse took her temperature and it was at 101°. The doctor came in to look at her and discovered her double ear infection....then they gave her the flu shot. Geez, poor kid. I feel a bit dumb though because I had no idea that her ears were even bothering her. She has been laughing and playing happily the past few days with very minimal whining. The only possible clues were that her nose has been runny, she has wanted to nap with/on me the past few days (I have missed that!) and she was crying screaming when we put her to bed last night (which is rare). Joe got her out of bed and she didn't lay down until 9:30 (bedtime is between 7:30-8:00). At least we know what is going on though and have medicine to
help fix it.

Taking a nap on me it!
Now as I mentioned before, Sophie hasn't been really whiny the past few days. Of course this means that when we had some friends and their children over tonight Sophie was a crabby, whiny mess. (I don't blame her though with that double ear infection.) She cried half of the time that they were there. (Sorry again, Ang!) I know those ears had to be bothering her. I also wonder if she is starting to get stranger anxiety. She was doing this with "Santa" the other night. Hmmmm...

When I was chatting with my friends and consoling Sophie, I mentioned how I was surprised that she had ear infections. I would have guessed that she had a new tooth before thinking she had an ear infection. Later on in the night (after my friends left), I put my finger in Sophie's mouth to see if there was anything new. She let me do this, but only so she could bite down as hard as she possibly could. Ouch! So, during the second attempt into her mouth I discovered a new tooth that has broken through! That makes #10! I figured it would be her lower right lateral incisor (the gum is white here), but nope. Her tenth tooth is actually her lower right first molar.

Santa, can you please stop bringing my child not so great things? How about you help her gain a few more ounces these next few days instead? Thanks!

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