Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Josie is 15 Months

Josie has had such a great month. I thought that March was supposed to come in like a lion and out like a lamb. Instead April did. Josie went from being sickly to feeling so much better. I was a little worried about her developmentally at the start of the month and now she is thriving! She weighs 19lbs 14oz and is 2ft 5in tall (29 inches).
We had our spring break at the beginning of the month and Josie was sick most of the time. She got sick before we left and was sick half of the week while we were there. If I never have to smell or clean up her cottage cheese like puke again I will be a happy girl. I have never felt so helpless as I did when Josie was sick. She was so pitiful and didn't want to do anything. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't play, she wouldn't talk. You could tell when her pain medicine kicked in because she would start interacting with us and would actually smile and eat. She was so fussy because she was hungry and just didn't feel well. All I could do was hold her and let her snuggle me. We spent a few night sleeping on the couch together. I was so relieved when she started to feel better. (She ended up passing her illness on to her sister. Oops). 

After Josie had gotten sick again on vacation we noticed that she was doing it after we gave her milk and her bottle. She drink Pedialyte for us and we picked up some Pediasure is well. She gulped that down and was so happy. I think she was so crabby on vacation because she was hungry. No wonder. We have been giving her soy milk and Pediasure since the beginning of month and she hasn't gotten sick. We aren't sure if she is actually lactose intolerant but we would rather her do this drink combo and be safe. She is happy and really healthy now. We asked the doctor if they could test her for a milk allergy, but they said they weren't concerned by it at this point. 

Josie has a new nickname - the BullJoser!  She is really like a little bulldozer. She speeds across the floor, pulls up on everything, puts everything in her mouth, and loves knocking things over. 

Josie has added a few words to her vocabulary. In addition to mom, dad and oh what, she says ball, egg, awake, Joe and Jacob, which is one of her cousins. When she says Joe I am not sure if she is meeting her dad or herself. One day we were outside why he was mowing the lawn and when she saw him she got excited and said Joe. Then again she will randomly say it when he's not there so I'm not sure.

We are still waiting on Josie's new molars. She has been working hard on them all month long. She has 3 that are about ready to burst through the gums. Hopefully they will come soon so that she has a little relief!

She still is not walking. She crawls quickly all over the place though. Josie will pull up on anything and everything and will cruise a little bit. She's getting more confident with cruising, but I don't think she's ready to let go just yet. She will hold onto things with one hand so she can bend down to pick up objects. The doctor that we saw wants me to call First Steps to have her evaluated due to the lack of walking. We aren't sure that this is necessary. Sophie didn't walk until 17 1/2 months, so walking late might just be a natural thing for our kids.

The twins had their First Communion this month. Josie and Jacob were gabbering at each other throughout the church service. When we went to the party after church they were playing together. At one point they were wrestling with each other. They were both cracking up and having so much fun! It was adorable!

Last month when we discovered that Josie had a UTI, the doctor said that he wanted her to have an ultrasound done on her kidneys to make sure that there are no underlying issues going on. Joe took her for it and she cried the whole time. (I don't blame her - a stranger touching and poking at her is no fun, especially after all the doctors visits she been to lately. She is terrified now!) Her kidney ultrasound came back normal, thank goodness.

Here are some pictures from the month:

You can tell she just doesn't feel well. Poor girl. 
We discovered that Josie has eczema. She has always had sensitive skin, but this is new. I thought it was just a rash at first, but the doctor told us it was eczema. 
One of our nights on the couch while Josie was sick. Cosmo liked to keep watch over us. 
Everything goes into Josie's mouth still. Food, toys, rocks, mulch, dirt, sidewalk chalk, etc. Apparently blue sidewalk chalk is quite tasty.  
Josie doesn't really like sitting in her seat to eat anymore. She would much rather prefer to grab things off of her table. 
Meeting my friend's daughter for the first time. 
Happy Easter!
Early morning snack time. 
Josie loves being outdoors! Her knees don't share her feelings though. They are so red and are getting scrapped up some. Maybe that will convince her to start walking. 
Another food picture. I am just so happy that she started eating again! I was having flashbacks of Sophie when she was younger. 
Josie loves spending time with Camryn. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

We had such a wonderful Easter! Sophie woke us up bright and early asking if the Easter bunny had come. We tried to convince her to snuggle in bed with us for a little while longer so that we can get some more rest but she wasn't having it. So we went and woke up choosing not headed downstairs to find Easter baskets. Sophie found Josie's basket right away and it only took her another minute to find her own. They loved pulling things out of their baskets and enjoyed all that was in there. (The Easter bunny likes giving books more than candy.)

After eating candy and breakfast we got dressed and headed to church. After a nice service we went to the church hall for Joe's families Easter brunch. It's always great getting together with Joe's family. Sophie loved playing with her cousins and Josie enjoy being passed around and playing with everyone. Sophie love taking part in the Easter egg hunt and was so excited with all of the eggs that she found. Josie was just excited to get one egg to play with then put in her mouth. I am so glad that Joe side of the family is so close knit. I love that my girls get to experience that.

When we got home we all took a nice long nap. After that it was time for Easter party number two. The girls changed into new dresses and we headed over to my moms house for dinner. When we got there they each had an Easter basket waiting for them. I was excited about the Twix eggs that were in there. Yum! They had eggs hidden and ready for the girls to find. Josie is still too little to go on a hunt, especially since she still can't walk, so Sophie and Kaci went to search for eggs. They had so much fun! When they brought all of the eggs inside and dumped them on the floor Josie became so excited. She kept grabbing new ones and repeating "egg." A new word! After some more playing was time for dinner. My mom is a wonderful cook and as always the food was amazing.

I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people in our lives. I am also thankful for our church and all of the blessings that God has given us.