Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Josie has been working very hard on trying to roll from her back to her stomach. For about a week now she would roll onto her side and try to kick her legs over so she could get onto her belly. She was having a hard time getting her arm out from under her body though. Today she finally did it!

Josie had spit up all over herself so we changed her clothes. Since her baby sister had new clothes on, Sophie decided that she wanted her clothes changed as well. Joe and I helped change Sophie's clothes in her room while we had Josie in her room laying on her back on her play mat on the floor (I'm not sure why changing Sophie's clothes was a two person job today, but whatever.). Once we finished dressing Sophie, which took about a minute, we went back into get Josie. We were shocked to find her on her belly and off at the play mat. She had completely rolled over and off of her mat! She ended up doing the same thing an hour later. I went to get her bath started and once again put her on her back on the play mat in her room. Two minutes later I went in to get her so she could take her bath and found her once again on her belly. Of course she does all this while we aren't watching. It still counts though! (Maybe this is her way of saying, 'Stop leaving me alone!')

I am so impressed with Josie. It is hard to believe that she is already rolling over in both directions. She will be rolling across the floor before I know it! While I am so excited for these new developmental milestones, I am sad that my baby is no longer a newborn. She is growing up so quickly. I kind a wish that time would slow down, but then again I'm pretty excited about all these new things that she's learning how to do. I just can't believe how grown up my baby is becoming!

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