Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Today Sophie had dance class. As I was packing up the diaper bag for Josie (who was going to hang out with Grandma Z while Sophie and I danced) I heard Sophie talking to Josie. I wasn't paying attention that closely, but it sounded like she had one of Josie's toys and was describing it to her.

"What shape is this? A square! What shape is this? A star! What shape is this? An octagon! Good job!"

I chuckled to myself because we often play the 'what shape/color/etc is this' game with Sophie. I didn't think much of it though since I was preoccupied. I figured she was just rambling and calling out random shapes. Later on as the girls nap I was cleaning up and noticed the toy that Sophie was showing to Josie. There was a square, a star, and an...octagon!

I have never really paid much attention to the shapes on this toy so I didn't realize that there was an octagon on there. I assumed the red shape was a circle. (Like I said I never really paid attention to the toy. It is obvious when you look at it that it isn't a circle.) I was so impressed that Sophie was able to identify the shape as an octagon. She knows what square looks like and she knows what a star looks like (among other shapes), but I had no idea that she knew what the other one was. I was sure that someone must have told her what the shapes were. I called around to a couple people to see if they had pointed out to her what the shape was on the toy. No one fessed up to it though. If someone did point it out to her then I owe them a big thank you! If no one told her what it was and she identified it on her own then I have one flippin' smart kid! (Either way I still think she is pretty darn intelligent.)

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