Saturday, February 23, 2013

30 Months

Sophie is now officially two and half years old!

The biggest thing that happened this month for Sophie is that she became a big sister. I was very nervous about this before Josie was born because I didn't know how Sophie would handle having a new baby in the house. I am so impressed at how well she's handled things. She absolutely adores her baby sister! At first Sophie was jealous of the attention Josie was getting from Joe, but that went away quickly and it never got in the way of her love for her sister. Josie is the first thing that she asked about the morning and she makes sure to give her lots of love each day. She is constantly giving Josie kisses, hugs, and wants to hold her. She's also become quite the helper. She will get me diapers, burp cloths, and pacifiers when I need one. She will also throw away diapers if needed. It is such a big help during the day when I am home alone with both girls.

Earlier this month, Sophie had a stomach bug. She took a nap in our bed with Joe while I was downstairs with Josie. Joe woke up before her and he left her in the bed so he could go do other things. A little while later she started screaming and crying. Sophie was still in bed, surrounded by puke! I can count on one hand how many times Sophie has puked, so this really worried us (puke would worry us anyway, but you know what I mean). Joe cleaned her up, brought her downstairs to me (I was still recovering from my c-section and couldn't help out), and cleaned our bed. We hoped it was a one time thing, but she wasn't that lucky. She ended up puking five times! Poor kid! After she puked for a second time, I had Joe get a big, red bowl out for her to puke in. Whenever I  saw that she was about to puke (she would make this awful burping sound and sit up real straight), I would put the bowl in front of her. She would then freak out on me: "No, Mommy! No, no, no!" Then she would make that burping sound again and vomit in the bowl. I'm pretty sure she thought that I was making her puke by placing the bowl in front of her.  I felt so bad for her. Luckily the bug didn't last long and she was back to her old self the next day.

Sophie's favorite book this month is still Everyone Poops. She could listen to us read it all day long. She even  has memorized parts of the book. Her second favorite book is I Love You Stinky Face. She goes nuts over this book and wants to hear it every day. I love it, too, so I am happy to read it to her.

I've been trying really hard to make sure that I am spending one-on-one time with Sophie so she doesn't feel left out. We snuggle on the couch a lot (cause momma is tired!). Besides that, Sophie has been 'helping' me cook and clean in the kitchen. I pull a chair up next to where I am working (sink, island, stove-at a safe distance) and she climbs up. She loves it! Often I will give her bowls and spoons to 'cook' with. She will also test out any food that I chop up (she likes raw onions - go figure!). She even helped me make a birthday cake for my mom today. I love spending that time with her. I can't wait until she can really help me out.

I can't believe how grown up Sophie is becoming. She's a sweet, smart, funny, helpful, sassy and strong young lady. I am so thankful that I am her mom!

I am going to sorta miss seeing this paci.

Sophie's 2nd favorite thing about getting a new baby sister - getting presents!

The 3 of us hung out on the couch a lot this month

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