Wednesday, December 19, 2012

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yup. I can still mix in pre-pregnancy comfy pants and shirts, though the shirts are generally too short now. If I don't have a long enough tank top on underneath, my belly hangs out. Gross!
Stretch marks? Yeah. I am more veiny this time around though.

Sleep: I have started taking naps again. I'm always so tired!

Best moment this week: Seeing Josie again! The growth scan ultrasound went great! Josie is measuring in the 44th percentile and she is an estimated 4 lb 3 oz already! (just 4 oz away from Sophie's birth weight at 37 weeks). Her heart beat was strong, there was fluid in her stomach and kidneys which means that she has been practicing breathing (her daily hiccups already let me know this), and everything else looked as it should. Phew! She also appears to already have a ton of hair. The technician kept commenting on it. "Oh, my that is a lot of hair!" (while pointing to a bunch of white stuff around Josie's head.) I guess this means I won't have to glue bows in her hair like I did for Sophie. We might just have another goofball on our hands, too. At one point during the ultrasound, Josie looked straight at us (you know what I mean) and stuck her tongue out. It makes me smile just thinking about it!
Miss Anything? sleep
Movement: I love watching my stomach move underneath my shirts. I'm pretty sure it freaked some of my friends out earlier this week though. ha!

Food cravings: sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: Earlier this week I had to leave my math class because my orange juice wasn't sitting well with me. I haven't puked in months, so it threw me for a loop. My sweet students were concerned about me. I love my other kids!
Any pregnancy complications?: At the start of the week my left cheekbone was killing me (as if I was getting a sinus infection). That isn't really pregnancy related, but when you combine it with sciatic nerve problems, back aches, breathlessness, leg cramps, and exhaustion you get one unhappy preggo. Luckily that symptom went away after a few days and now I am just left with all the other ones (I've been dealing with those, so no biggie). I think I am about to get a cold though, so that should be fun.
Have you started to show yet: of course
Gender: Girl!

Looking forward to: Finishing Josie's room. I have changed my mind again and decided that Sophie should keep her old room. We tried having her sleep in her new bed in the other room, but it only lasted one night. After that she wanted to go back to her old room with her crib. So, this past weekend my dad helped me move the crib over to Josie's new room and Sophie's toddler bed to her room. (Sophie is sleeping much better now and hasn't asked for her crib). We still have a ton to do in Josie's room, but I love that it is starting to come together.
Don't mind how awful I look here. I am beyond exhausted here and starting to feel sick! Only one more day until Winter Break at school. It can't come soon enough.

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