Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We decided to take a quick trip to Lake Cumberland this year during a four day weekend. Sophie was surprisingly good in the car. I think Mickey Mouse helped a lot (thank goodness for portable DVD players). We had fun playing at the park, exploring some trails, visiting a pumpkin patch, swimming in the pool and playing in the room. Here are some pictures of our trip.

Sophie loved the cotton candy and ice ball...so did her Mommy and Daddy.

She kept trying to pick up these giant pumpkins!

She wouldn't sleep in her pack n' play at first. Instead, we would let her fall asleep on the bed and then move her. That didn't work the first night though, and she ended up sleeping between us in bed, upside down, and pushed up against my side. Josie woke me up in the morning by kicking Sophie in the head!

Sophie loved the 'big pool' (hot tub). She always wanted to go in it. Don't worry - it was cooler than most hot tubs (I put my feet in), Joe only let her in for a few minutes at a time and would dunk her in the regular pool afterwards.

Sophie loved wearing her 'baby suit' and swimming with Daddy.

She loved kicking around in the water. She is a lot more brave than she was this summer.

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