Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Step in the Right Direction

Josie took a step today! Granted it was just one step, but she did it multiple times. She is getting there!

We keep working hard on trying to help Josie to stand on her own and walk. The longest she has been able to stand on her own is about eight seconds. We generally have to trick her into doing it. As soon as she realizes what she's doing she lowers herself to the floor. She is gaining strength and confidence. She is getting steadier walking while holding onto things. Walking toys and holding her hands have helped. The thing that has been working the best is letting her hold on to the front of our legs and letting her walk forward while we walk backward. She is getting so much better and is even starting to walk while only holding on with one hand. 

Tonight she was leaning up against the ottoman and I held my phone out for her to look out, making sure it was out of her reach so she would have to walk to grab it. She took a step to get to me and then leaned forward so that she could grab my leg. Joe started doing the same thing. We could only get her to take one step before she would either fall or lean forward to grab onto us. It is still progress. I am so proud of my little girl!

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