My girl is 1 1/2 years old!
Josie is 30 1/4 inches tall and weighs 20lbs 2oz. She is still the smaller sister
(by 2 pounds and about 4 inches), but it won't be long before she weighs more than Sophie. Josie is still wearing 12 month clothes, but is starting to outgrow them. It won't be long until she and Sophie are wearing the same clothes.
Josie popped out two teeth this month. Her last molar came in and her bottom right canine came in. Her top right canine looks like it is going to coming soon as well and I know the other two won't be far behind. This poor girl has been teething for so long. I can't wait until she has her full set.
Josie's hair has been getting so long. Her bangs have been in her face for weeks. I'm not ready to take her for her first haircut yet so I decided to try out a little ponytail. It is so adorable! Whenever we take the rubber band out her hair continues to stay straight up on her head. Hilarious!
Josie is listening so much better. She will stop doing something when we tell her no. She might test her luck and stared us and then try again, but she won't do what we asked her not to. She will also go and get balls if we ask her to. If we ask her to clap her hands or dance she will do that as well.
Josie still isn't walking or even standing on her own. She will stand for a long time while holding onto something, but she isn't brave enough to let go. I've tried tricking her into doing it, but she will lower herself to the floor instead. I can't decide if she is extremely cautious, stubborn or both.
Josie's services with First Steps still haven't started yet. We will see speech for the first time in two days. They still haven't found a physical therapist to work with Josie though, which worries me. I really would like someone to give us ideas to help her with standing and walking. I tried asking our pediatrician about her muscle tone and for tips to help her walk, but he said I should talk to the people about First Steps about that. (I was so frustrated by his lack of help!) Hopefully our service coordinator will find a PT for Josie soon.
Josie loves sensory play. I've made up a couple different sensory boxes and she really enjoys playing with them. She likes taking beans and throwing them all over the place and running her hands through them. She also likes to take cloud dough and stuff her hands and it. She laughs as she rubs her hands and feet and shaving cream. Her all time favorite sensory activity is playing with water. Nothing makes her happier!
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The girls love when we get the hose out and make puddles in the driveway. Josie cracks up while she splashes through the puddles and through the stream of the hose. |
Here are some other pictures from this past month:
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