Happy 8th month to Josie!
This has been a month full of first for Josie! She sprouted her first
(and second) tooth, went to her first wedding, tried puffs, started army crawling, and said her first word - dad.
Since this isn't a month where Josie gets a well visit at the pediatrician's office, we don't have an official weight for her. Our scale says that she weighs 15lb 8oz, but I'm not sure how accurate that actually is. Josie is still in size 2 diapers, but I bought a box of size 3s for whenever she runs out of the other size. She is in 6 month clothes, but she can still wear 3-6 month items, too. I am starting to put those away now though, and I'm pulling out 6 month fall items.
Josie still loves to eat. I've been wearing out my Baby Breeza by making all sorts of fresh fruits and vegetables for her. She loves pretty much everything, which excites me more than anyone could ever know. Her favorite foods so far are squash, sweet potatoes, and pears. She doesn't seem to like my homemade peas or green beans, but loves store bought ones.
(I honestly don't care if she eats homemade or store bought. As long as she eats I am happy.) She has also started eating puffs and Cheerios this month. She LOVES feeding herself. It is getting to the point that when she starts fussing we will sit her in her highchair and give her some puffs. That cheers her right up.
We started out this month on a Momma-Daughter road trip to Nashville to visit one of my very best friends, Tara. Josie was a perfect road trip companion. She did not make a peep the whole way there! I actually got nervous a few times and thought something was wrong. She loves being in the car though, so her good behavior shouldn't have surprised me. We stopped about half way there and I fed her, changed her diaper, and took my own bathroom break. That was definitely an adventure.
(I didn't want to take the car seat in and put it on the dirty floor, so I had to hold her while I used the restroom - very difficult. TMI, I know.) Josie was such a good girl while we visited. She slept through the night, played happily, snuggled with me so she could fall asleep for naps, and was a sweetheart. The only time she really was fussy was when we went shopping; she doesn't like waiting around and keeping still. She fell asleep after an hour though and we were able to enjoy the rest of shopping trip. Our trip home went just as well the trip down. I am so glad that I was able to have that time alone with Josie. It was definitely a bonding experience for us, and it made me fall even more in love with her!

As I mentioned before, Josie started sleeping through the night while we were in Nashville and she has continued to do so once we got home. There was one or two nights when she had a hard time sleeping, but that was because of her tooth that was coming in. I think part of the reason that Josie is sleeping through the night is because she stopped taking her early evening nap. It used to be that every day around 5:15 she would take a 30-45 minute nap. When she woke up she would eat, play, get a bath, play a little more and then go back to sleep. That nap is gone now and she really wears herself out, which means sleep at night for everyone. I forgot how wonderful uninterrupted sleep can be!
Both of Josie's bottom teeth have erupted and are working their way out. The one that appeared earlier this month is half of the way through. Her newest one just burst through her gums a few days ago. Josie is gnawing on everything and drooling all over the place! She's had a few rough days
(and a rough night or two) but overall has done pretty well with teething.
The first tooth |
Both teeth at the end of the month. |
Josie has started to say da-da! Since the day she began saying it she hasn't stopped. All day long we hear, "Da-da-da-da-dad-dad-daaaa-da-dad-dad..." She will get so into that she pushes her lower jaw out and show off her new teeth. It is so cute!
Josie is army crawling all over the place and I absolutely love it. At the beginning of the month she would squirm around a little and then roll herself to what she wanted. Now she is full on army crawling! I love watching her zero in on an object and make her way over to it. She is getting so fast! She will get up on her hands and knees and rock, but she doesn't quite know what to do next. She just falls forward on her face and goes back to army crawling. Gone are the days of my stationary little baby. I can't wait to see her speeding along on the floor, chasing after Sophie.
Getting her to keep on her back and pose for pictures is pretty much impossible now. |
Here are some more pictures from the past month:
Josie sits up so much more now (but she prefers laying on ground). She still can't gracefully get down though and usually just face plants onto the floor. |
I celebrated turning 30 with my two favorite girls! Josie really wanted to grab my cake. |
Such a happy girl! |
I tried letting Josie feed herself one night. It didn't go so well... |
She loved playing with her food. |
Ice cubes in the mesh feeder have been one of Josie's favorite things this month. It really helped with her teething. |
We let Josie try out a sippy cup. She was able to drink from it a bit, but she still isn't quite there yet. |
The only (somewhat) decent picture I have of Josie at her first wedding (the wedding of Joe's cousin, Mike). |
Josie enjoyed the teether cookies I made for her. |
Teething sucks! |
I had some really cute visitors at work one day! |
she is presh!