Where the past seven months gone?! I feel as though I blinked and the months flew by.
Josie weighs about 15
1/2 pounds
(according to our scale at home). She wears 3-6 month and 6 month clothes as well as size 2 diapers.
Josie continues to be a really good eater. Due to the fact that she enjoys food, I bought a Baby Brezza and have been making baby food this month. She likes all the foods that we tried last month as well as squash, peaches, mango, and beans. We tried some broccoli but she hates it! I think it just isn't smooth enough for her yet. Plus it smells pretty bad, so I'm okay with her not liking it. I also try taking some teether biscuits. They look more like cookies and aren't very hard, but she loves gnawing on them and her high chair during dinner time. I can't wait to try more and more food with her. It is fun having a child who actually enjoys eating!
Josie is not crawling yet. There have been a few times where she has been up on her hands and knees and lifted her belly off the ground, but she isn't sure what to do next. She will get there though. Until then she is perfectly content with rolling all over the place. She gets to where she wants to go this way!
I'm not sure why we keep the blanket for her on the floor anymore. She always rolls herself off of it. |
Josie isn't sitting up completely on her own yet. She can sit up and has been doing that for a while now. However she gets too distracted and quickly and falls right over. Even when I put her in her Bumbo she goes off to the side. She does the same thing in her highchair. I'm not sure what that is all about. She enjoys laying on the floor more than sitting up. I keep working with her but I'm not going to push her. I know that she will do it when she is ready. One thing that I had picked up about her is that she can do things and when she does it she kind of loses interest. Maybe she likes to challenge herself and once the challenge is over she doesn't care as much anymore. Who knows.
We still have not heard Josie say her first word. This summer she it sounded like she said 'dad' once but we never heard it again. For the past two months or so she has been making a sound that sounds like the word 'hi' in the same exact drawn out way that we say it to her. I don't count this either though because i cant be sure what she is saying. I long to hear her say mommy to me. I know though that whatever word she finally says will sound so sweet.
Josie's sleeping habits continue to improve. She takes a few naps during the day, including an early evening nap around 6pm. She goes to be for good around 7:30-8pm. She only gets up once at night now, which is usually between 11pm and 1am. She is still pretty easy to put to bed. We just have to give her a pacifier, her lovies, play her music, put her on her side near the side of the crib and she is good to go. She falls asleep on her side, but usually ends up on her back or stomach throughout the night. I can't wait until she sleeps all night long!
Josie doesn't have any teeth yet. There have been times where we thought that we felt something around the gum line but it turned out to be nothing. She doesn't seem like she is in a lot of pain though so I'm guessing that she is not close to getting a new tooth. She does love teething toys though, so who knows.
Sophie the giraffe is Josie's new best friend. |
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