Monday, March 11, 2013

Holy Molars!

Lately Sophie has been having issues with going to bed as well as eating. For the past couple days she has also had a runny nose and watery eyes. Usually this means that she's getting an ear infection. I had Joe check her ears to see if they were in fact infected. Nope, just earwax. I assumed that she just had a cold. I was wrong!
Gross runny nose
Yesterday I was getting extremely frustrated with her lack of eating (more so than normal).For the past few days I've been trying to give her different foods, including some of her favorites, but all she would do is take a few bites and she was done. She even started chewing food and then begging to spit it out into a napkin. She has never done that before. It was so frustrating! We have always had feeding issues with her, but this was different. I couldn't figure out what was going on, and was really running out of patience. (I know, I know - no one likes eating when they have a cold.)

Before she went to bed last night, I decided to check out her mouth to see if she was getting her molars. I have been checking for these molars every other week for the past few months, waiting for them to appear. I checked them last week and there was nothing there, so I figured I wouldn't see anything. I was wrong! Her upper right molar has started to poke through. Her upper left molar hasn't broken through yet, but looks like it will be coming through very soon. Her lower left molar has also broken through. Her lower right molar isn't here yet though. Three new teeth pushing through (or almost pushing through)! No wonder she hasn't been feeling well and not wanting to eat. She hasn't complained about her mouth hurting at all, which is impressive. (I would be whining all day long.) I just hope she doesn't lose weight while these teeth are coming in. I also hope that her runny nose doesn't get Josie sick.

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