This second month has flown by! I can't believe that my baby has been around for two months. I sometimes catch myself thinking that I was just in the hospital a couple weeks ago. I guess that is what happens when you aren't working and don't look at a calendar often.
Here is what has been going on with Josie:
- The best thing that has happened this month is that Josie is giving us social smiles! While we did get a couple smiles here and there last month, she really started to smile a lot around six weeks. I absolutely love her smile. It is the sweetest, happiest things that I have ever seen! It really brightens my day when she gives me a big smile. Sometimes I will run a paci across her lips to get her to smile. It doesn't happen every time, but when she is in the mood she loves the little game. I can get some huge smiles from that!
- Josie weighs 10 pounds
(16th %) and is 21 inches long
(3rd %). Her head circumference is 15 1/4 inches
(64th %). The doctor is impressed with her growth and so are we!
- Josie is sleeping in her crib at night now. While I am glad that she is doing this, I kind of miss having her in our room at night. It was comforting to me knowing that she was right there next to me. However I know that it is best for her to be in her own room. She does pretty well in there as long as she is swaddled. It also helps if we turn her music maker on to help her go to sleep. We still use the angel care monitor while she's sleeping. She scared me half to death one night because the alarm actually went off for a second. I ran in there as quickly as I could to check on her, and was trying hold back my tears. She was fine though. I think that she had just rolled off of where the monitor pad was. Regardless of the reason I was so scared. I am glad that she is doing okay in her bed. It will make things so much easier when she has to go to the baby sitter's house.
- For the most part Josie is drinking 3 to 4 ounces at a time. She is averaging about 24 ounces a day. Some days she drinks more and some days she drinks less. She still wants to eat every 2 1/2 or 3 hours, so we are still getting up a lot at night. I can't wait until she sleeps longer, but I am so glad that she likes to eat.
- Josie isn't spitting up as much as she was before. There are still some feedings where she will spit up half of what she ate, but it is nothing like it was last month. She has more control over her burping now which I think helps.
- She has some cradle cap still. There are a few patches in her hair and her eyebrows. I keep working on trying to get rid of it. It isn't too bad though.
- Josie is losing some of her hair. I keep finding strands of her hair on her seats, blankets, and clothes. The top of her head has lost a bunch of hair. I'm pretty sure that has to do with the fact that Sophie is constantly rubbing the top of her head.
Sophie rubbing Josie's head |
- Bath time does not seem like it is torture to Josie anymore. She seems pretty content now while in the tub. She likes when we pour on her head and wash it with shampoo. Sophie loves when Josie gets a bath and always wants to help out. Once we even filled the tub with a little water while we had Josie's tub in there so that both girls could take a bath together. Sophie thought that was wonderful!
Josie really enjoys when we flip her over on her stomach to wash her back. |
- Josie has started to make cooing noises. Joe and I joke around that she sounds like a cat meowing. It is really cute. The best the little coo of relief after she sneezes. Adorable! I love that she is becoming more vocal.
- She sucks on her fingers sometimes. Usually it means that she is hungry, but not always.
- Josie is still doing well with tummy time. She can lift her head pretty high and will look around. She controls her head so much better now, too. When she is on my chest she doesn't head butt me as much as she used to. At her check-up, the doctor commented on how strong she was while he was holding her. I'm proud of my little one.
- Josie tries to grab ahold of things. She likes grabbing chunks of my hair and holding on. When she has a paci in her mouth, she will reach up and hold onto it. My favorite is when she holds my fingers when she is eating. It used to be that her arms would flail around while she would eat and I would put my finger in her hand to calm her down. Now she will reach out to find my finger and then hold on tightly. She isn't holding onto toys or her
WubbaNub paci, but I know that is in her near future.
- When we ran out of newborn diapers we decided to go ahead and start putting Josie in size 1 diapers.
- I have packed away most of Josie's newborn clothes. She can still wear a lot of them that they are getting pretty tight
(and it is hard getting some over that big head of hers) so I decided it was best to go ahead and transition into the next size. Her it to 0-3 month clothes fit her perfectly. Three month clothes are a little big but they still work.
- Josie likes laying her head on her right side. Whenever we hold her, her right side is usually what is pressed up against our bodies. Because of this, the back of her head on the right is getting a little flat. It isn't too noticeable or bad yet, but we need to really work on making sure she is getting enough time on her left side.When I try putting her on her left side, or turning her head to the left, she will get mad or will just switch it over to the right side. Another reason we need to work on getting her off her right side is that her head is leaning to the right. When she is in her car seat, on our shoulders, or doing tummy time her head constantly is over to the right side. She can hold it straight or to the left, but she doesn't do it much. Hopefully we can correct this in the upcoming month.
She can hold her head up straight, but often turns it to the right. |
- Josie's new discovery this month is her tongue. She loves sticking it out. If you put anything by her mouth she will open her mouth and thrust her tongue out. One day Sophie was giving her kisses on her head. Then she kissed Josie on the lips
(something I don't let her do). Josie's tongue came right out and licked her. Eek! Josie will also randomly put her hands up to her mouth and lick her fingers.
Here are
a few more a bunch of pictures from this month:
Sophie still loves hugging Josie and wants to hold her multiple times a day. |
This is not how I put her in the swing. |
Joe came home from work one day and found us like this. |
Look at those little lips! |
She loves looking into her Daddy's eyes. |
Doesn't she look so cute? What you can't see in this picture is the fact that she has poop all up her back from a diaper blow out. This mean mom made her take a picture in her pretty dress before she got cleaned up. (She doesn't seem to mind though). |
Josie was very interested in the baby in the mirror. |
Me and my girls |
I was so excited that Josie was able to meet one of my very best friends, Tara! |
Sophie wasn't too exciting about having to share her paw paw with Josie. |
Rocking with Grandma |
She seems very pleased with herself about spitting up on me |
Late night snuggles with Mommy |
Josie's first Starbucks date with me and Rachel! First of many, I'm sure. |
Josie is pretty gassy, so we often have her lay on her belly while we pat her back. Sophie helps out sometimes by patting her butt. This kid has the life! |
She was very intent during story time. |
I love when she grabs onto my finger. I know it is just a reflex at the moment, but it is still so sweet. |
Being adored by her big sister. |
Comparison time |