Sophie waited around in the hospital for a few hours so she could meet her baby sister. She was in the waiting room so long that she ended up falling asleep on her Grandma S's lap. When I was moved from the recovery room into my own room, Sophie finally got to meet Josie! Before going into the room, Joe asked her if she was ready to meet her sister. She crossed her arms, put a frown on her face and said, "I not want to." Joe was anticipating a tantrum, but Sophie quickly changed her tune. She smiled and went into the room.
When Sophie came into the hospital room, she didn't know what to do at first. I was in bed holding Josie, so I called over to Sophie to get her attention. She looked over at me and quickly zeroed in on Josie. As soon as she saw her, she exclaimed, "Baby!" She rushed right over to my bed and wanted to get up there with us. Joe put in bed with me and she crawled right over to get a closer look at Josie. She was fascinated. I told her that this was baby Josie. She seemed to understand and called her Josie. Then she pointed to my belly and called that Josie, too. I tried to explain that the baby in my arms was the baby from my stomach. I'm not sure if she really understood, but she at least went with it and didn't ask any more questions. She couldn't stop staring at her sister.
Grandparents and Aunts wanted to have a turn holding Josie, so Sophie and I had to pass her over to them. Sophie climbed down from my bed and made sure she was right by the baby. After everyone else had a turn, we asked Sophie if she wanted to hold the Josie. She was so excited by this. She hugged and kissed her sister and just stared at her. It was so sweet! I wanted to get a family picture of the four of us, so Joe took Josie out of Sophie's arms. Sophie immediately burst into tears! She didn't want to let go of her sister. Once she was back in bed with me and Josie she calmed down.
My girls |
Isn't this so sweet? |
Sophie is already so in love with her baby sister. |
Look at Sophie's red eyes and nose. She calmed down as soon as she was next to Josie. |
Just like me, I'm pretty sure Sophie could have hugged and kissed Josie all day long. |
Holding Josie's hand |
Sophie came back to the hospital the second day we were there, too. When she came into the room, she ran right over to Joe and hugged him. I called over to her from the bed where I was once again holding Josie. She rushed right over to us. She was so happy to see Josie again. Once again, we let her hold her sister. She was so happy!
The proud big sister! |
Sophie is so in love with Josie. |
She had to hold Josie one last time before she left. |
I am so glad that Sophie loves her baby sister. I was afraid that she would act out or ignore Josie. I've never been so happy to be wrong. I think Sophie might be just as in love with her sister as I am. I hope it stays like this!
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