This month has sped by, though they all have been lately so I shouldn't be surprised.

- Sophie continues to grow which makes me so happy. Today after getting dirty, I changed her into a pair of 9 month comfy pants and a 6-9 month shirt. Both fit her well last month. Today though, the pants were just a smidgen too short and the shirt was both too short and tight. Great problems to have! Storing away her too small clothes are on my list of things to do over Christmas break. (Her pants in the above picture need to be pulled down some. They actually fit length wise much better than how they look. That is how a lot of the 'too small' pants look on her now though.)
- Potty training is coming along. After the fiasco with potty training a few months ago, we decided to let Sophie take charge of potty time. At least once every day she lets us know that she wants to go potty. Sometimes she takes matters into her own hands by taking off her pants and diaper before informing us that it is time to go potty. It is pretty comical. One day after she took off her pants and diaper, I decided to try her in underwear to see how she would do. She lasted about 5 minutes before peeing her pants. She didn't seem bothered by it at all, so I know we still have a lot of work ahead of us. I am fine with taking it at her pace though. She has always done things on her own time line (eating, crawling, walking, etc), so I don't expect this to be any different. I'm just proud of the progress she has made so far.
- We aren't having much luck getting rid of Sophie's pacifiers. She just isn't ready to give them up. I tried cutting a small piece off of one in hopes that she would be dissatisfied and just want rid of it. Instead she went on about how it was broken and cried a bunch when we tried to put her to sleep. We broke down and gave her a different one so she would actually go to sleep. Things keep happening to her pacifiers though (lost, purposely broken again, etc) and now she is down to her last two. We will see how long they last. Once they are gone, they are gone. We won't buy her anymore.
- Sophie is now sleeping in her toddler bed. We realized that changing her bed and room was probably too much of a change for her. So, we switched the toddler bed into her room, and put the crib in the spare room (now officially Josie's room). She has slept in it each night and for naps each time. When she wakes up, she doesn't get out of bed (thank goodness!). Instead she calls for me and waits for me to come into her room. She usually announces, "I awake!" or "I wake up!" before climbing out of bed. When she has slept at my parents house, she chooses to sleep in the toddler bed there instead of in the crib. This makes me so happy! My little girl is growing up.
The first few nights of sleeping in the toddler bed were interesting. She is so used to sleeping all over her crib, that I found in some interesting positions. This was the first night in her room. (Don't mind the millions of blankets. She wants them all with her apparently). |
This was the second night in the bed. Originally her head was hanging off the side, but when I came back after getting my camera, she curled up like this.
Sleeping tonight - more normal than other nights. |
- Speaking of Sophie's toddler bed, her whole room is starting to undergo a makeover. Yesterday Joe and I went to Ikea and picked up a new dresser for her. Joe put it together last night and we moved it into her room today, moving the old one into Josie's room. I also moved her changing table out today so that it can get painted and then moved into Josie's room. Sophie hasn't been wanting to get her diapers changed on it anymore (minus those poopy ones), so she didn't seem to mind. We put her changing pad on her dresser for now (until Josie gets here) and she seems fine with that. The big brown glider will be the last thing to go, but we will save that until right before my due date. So far, she seems to be doing okay with the changes.
- Our basement is finished now, so we have been able to move the majority of Sophie's toys down there. They are scattered about at the moment, but we bought some bookcases at Ikea to help with storing them. Sophie loves being in the basement. I can't wait until we have things set up so we can actually spend more time down there.
- Sophie's favorite shows are still Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Doc McStuffins, and Yo Gabba Gabba. She constantly asks to watch them and often sings songs from the shows. Mickey is still her all-time favorite show. I love when she interacts with it and shows off what she is learning. I can't hate on the show when I can tell that it is teaching her new things.
She is fascinated by this old stethoscope we found. She kept going around listening to our heartbeats. Too darn cute. She either wants to be like her dad (a PA) or Doc McStuffins. |
- We've had some terrible 2 tantrums this month, but not as much as before. I think that picking our battles and letting her do her thing has helped a lot. In fact, I think I've had more tantrums that Sophie this month (good old pregnancy hormones + sheer exhaustion = a crying mess of a momma).
- Funny/gross story of the month. One weekend after getting up at 7am, Sophie and I were downstairs watching cartoons. I fell back asleep on the couch, which happens often. I think Sophie likes having some alone time to play and watch tv without me bothering her. When she gets bored, she will come over, shake me and say, "Mommy, wake up!" It is a pretty good system we have (and it won't last much longer - Josie will 'ruin' that!). Anyway, as I was sleeping I heard Sophie start panicking and crying about something. I sat straight up and she ran over to me, holding up her right hand. It was covered in brown and I thought for sure it was her chocolate Cheerios that she ate for breakfast. It wasn't until her panicked little voice stated, "It poop. Pooooop!" that I realized what happened. She had pooped and reached into her diaper to feel it. She has never done that before and I doubt she will do it again. She seemed a little traumatized by it. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.
- Sophie has been extremely good about not touching the presents under the Christmas tree. The night after we put the tree up, there were a few gifts under there. She opened two of them before Joe caught her. After that we kept our presents stacked on the dining room table. A week or so later, I started to put them under the tree. She didn't pay a bit of attention to them and never even asked about them. Tonight we let her open one gift up (the Elmo and Count figurines in one of the toddler bed pictures). She unwrapped it and didn't even ask to open any others. I'm impressed with her self control. I can't wait to see her rip into her gifts on Christmas though.
Lounging with her daddy |
Really fuzzy picture from the Festival of Lights |
Weekend mornings with my girl are the best. |
Mmmm, lima beans |
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