Sophie now weighs 17 lbs 13 oz! We are so close to another pound party.
On the first day of this month, Sophie stopped calling herself 'Sosie' and started calling herself 'Sophie.' I was equal parts proud and sad. I am going to miss how she used to say her name. Also on the first day of this month, Sophie broke out a perfect 6 word sentence! Joe asked her if she wanted water or milk with her dinner. She replied, "I don't want water or milk." No mistakes. No baby talk. Just a simple, direct sentence. *proud*
Sophie's memory keeps improving. She sings along
(somewhat) to the Mickey Mouse theme song and to a Doc McStuffins song. While watching Mickey Mouse she will identify correct shapes, objects, the correct 'tool' to use, etc
(she is obsessed with this show so I'm sure she knows each episode by heart). She can identify at least 3/4 of the animals on these ABC animal cards that a good friend of mine made for her
(some of them like 'narwhal' and 'quahog' are tough). She focuses on my lips while I am singing songs and tries to mimic with her own lips; she will the try repeating the song later on
(For example, "row, row, row, boat...merry, merry...dream." It needs some work - haha.) She knows where items are and where they are supposed to go. She pulls out names of random items which never fails to make us ask "when/where did she learn that?" It is easy to forget just how much of a sponge kids are. The amount of information they pick up daily is astounding!
In 'terrible twos' news, Sophie bit a child at the baby sitter's house. Just once and she didn't break skin, but still. Joe and I couldn't believe it! She is so verbal and can express her feelings, so why did she bite someone? Ugh!
Speaking of the terrible twos, due to behavior issues, I spanked Sophie earlier this month.
(I admit this because I try to be truthful and honest in this blog. That includes the not so great things about both my daughter and me.) She had been being a hellion all day long, no listening, being defiant, and throwing fits of the kicking and screaming variety. I tried reasoning with her (ha!). I tried time out (nope). I tried hugging her tight to get her to stop thrashing around (that just made her madder). So I did it. I spanked my child. Just three swats on the butt - diaper and pants on and not hard at all. She immediately started crying and said, "I sorry, Mommy. I sorry."
(I think she was crying because her feelings were hurt, rather than her being hurt at all...because seriously, it was a pathetically soft spank). That broke my heart! I cried off and on for three days about it. While it did make her stop acting a fool, it made me feel awful. It isn't worth it to ever do it again.
Now lets transition from "ugh, the terrible twos" into "my poor daughter isn't feeling well" mode. This month brought on some sickness for Sophie. She had a runny nose and wet cough basically this whole month. The weather has been all over the place, so I didn't think much of it. We've been giving her vapor rub at night as well as turning on the humidifier, but nothing really helped. Well, that all then led to Sophie getting a double ear infection! Poor girl! She started waking up in the middle of the night screaming and refusing to sleep unless she was with either Joe or me. She became even crankier, too. I took her to the doctor's office and they gave her some ammoxicillin after discovering how gross her ears were. After 5 days of being on it, she didn't seem to be feeling any better. She had more fevers, was lethargic and just not herself. Joe took her back a week after her previous appointment only to find that both ear were still infected. They gave her a stronger medicine and thankfully she is feeling a lot better. She still has a lingering cough that has been waking her up the past two nights, but at least she is on the mend.
Not feeling well at all. |
Just 10 more weeks until I can add some pictures of Sophie as a big sister! I can't wait to see what she is like when Josie is born. We will soon find out.
Here are a few other pictures from the month (not that many now that I'm not doing a photo a day with Sophie):
Family trip to the Redman Farm. (It is hilarious to me when I compare this year's pictures at the farm to last year's. It was so cold this year and last year we were in short sleeves! Same month both years, just very different weather.) |
Sophie was so excited that we were going to get pumpkins. |
Sophie really enjoyed the hay ride...especially when the pumpkin patch came into view. |
Helping to pick out a pumpkin. |
Feeding the goat. She LOVED this! |
One of Sophie's favorite things to do this month is to get all of her hair bows out and have us put them in her hair...and ours, too. That is right, even Joe gets in on the hair bow action. |
Sophie wanted to make soup with me. I gave her a sauce pan, an empty pepper shaker and a whisk. She loved it! |
Grandma Z bought the girls matching dresses. |
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