So far I think our "Summer of Fun" has been going well. We've done a few different things.
Tuesday we went to Story Time at a bookstore. Sophie liked watching the other kids, as well as listening to the story and hearing the songs. After that, we took lunch over to my sister-in-law. Sophie was able to meet her new cousin, Joshua. She was very curious about him and kept watching him. She did not like it when he cried and had a very concerned look on her face. After we finished eating lunch, we found Sophie in Joshua's little vibrating chair. Apparently she missed being a baby. It is a good thing that she is small and didn't break it. After that, we went over to my parent's house. Sophie ended up spending the night, which she loved.
When Sophie goes 'swimming' (aka walking around in her suit and maybe putting her feet in the water), she has to carry around this bucket of sidewalk chalk. |
Friday we went to visit my friends at the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra. Sophie was shy at first and didn't want to leave my side. When their dog came over though, she perked up. She wanted the dog in her sight at all times. It was fun to see Devlin, the boy that I used to baby sit when he was a baby-he is now 9, and Sophie interact. He would bring toys over for her to look at and sang songs and danced to entertain her. It was very sweet.
Saturday we went to a festival with two friends of ours. Her favorite thing was probably the duck race. She loved watching them speed through the water. When they were put back in the starting gate, she would look around and ask, "Where ducks go?" She also enjoyed playing with our losing pull tabs. She would pile them all on her stroller and reach out for more. She finally started picking them up off of the ground. Gross, but what can you do (other than clean her hands). Sophie had a good time and that is all that matters.

Today we went to Totter's Otterville. There were so many different activities and stations. Sophie enjoyed trying out everything. She liked it best when the rooms were empty. Then she felt free to move around and try everything out. When there were other kids in there, she seemed more timid. She would study the other kids and watch what they were doing. It would take her a few minutes to warm up and really start playing. There were times when she would try to play with the other kids, but they were either too old and didn't want to play with a baby, they were territorial, or they were young (and giant...seriously, these kids seemed so BIG to me! Giant kids with baby faces.) and didn't know how to play with others (or weren't developmentally there yet). Oh well. Like I said, Sophie was happy to play on her own. Her favorite stations were the soft room, the train tables, and the pretend rooms. It was so nice seeing her explore and try out new things.
Coloring in a "big girl" chair. |
I think she loved the pretend stations the best. She spent a good 20 minutes playing with the play food, strollers and baby dolls. |
My future dancer. |
I can't wait to take Sophie on more adventures. I think we are going to have an amazing summer.
Click below for more pictures from Totter's Otterville.
Ignore the poor quality of these photos. I took them quickly with my phone's camera.
Picking flowers |
Sophie stopped playing to ask me for milk. I happily obliged. |
There were 8 strollers in one of the rooms. Sophie brought every single one out into the main area. |
This was pretty cool. You would pop a foam block into the hole.... |
...and when you pushed this button the conveyor belt would move the blocks along. |
5 seconds after I took this picture, she banged on the glass. |
Sophie and her balloon dog. |
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