Tuesday, September 30, 2014

20 Months

There have been a lot of positive changes with Josie his month. She has been working so hard and we are extremely proud of her!

Josie's last tooth, her upper left canine, has burst through her gums. As with any time she's been teething she is been a little crabby. She is drooling all over the place and gnaws on anything and everything. She loves taking her pacifier and gnawing on the nipple right where the tooth is coming through. She has torn through a few pacis this way.
Josie's favorite things to do are play with her sister, look at books and pictures, play with balls, take baths and go outside.
Josie had her first sleepover at grandma and grandpa's house. We had a wedding to go to and we decided that it would be best if Josie did not go. She gets pretty tired around 8 o'clock and we knew that we would be out later than that. She also gets angry when we won't let her crawl around and it just isn't really possible at a wedding. So Joe, Sophie, and I went to the wedding while she slept over at grandma's. She was a great girl and they all had a good time. We missed her so much though. Sophie asked us multiple times when we were going to go pick her up and bring her back to the hotel. 

Josie is walking so much now! I would say that she is walking about 80% of the time. She can walk across the room without falling depending on if she's taking her time or not. If she speeds she usually will fall over, but she's been getting so much better now.
Even though Josie is walking a lot now she will still crawl if she is at a new place or if there's something she really wants. It seems like that is just the fastest and easiest way for her to do something, which is understandable. She is so fast when she crawls though! I have to really watch her when we are out in the front yard because she will quickly crawl up the driveway and try to go out to the street. So scary! 

Josie is now able to go from a sitting position to a standing one. She is also getting really good about going from a crawl to standing and walking. 
Yesterday I watched Josie walking to a ball on the floor she kicked it, continued walking to it, and kicked it again and again. She has done this a few times before and it is so cute to watch. Watch her end up being a soccer star one day despite the walking issues she's had. 

Since Josie doesn't often let me put her hair up, her bangs often hang into her eyes. I asked Joe's sister, Sara, if she would give Josie her first trim. She only cut the bangs, but it looks so much better! 

Josie still isn't talking much. She has added a few words to her vocabulary but still doesn't use them all the time nor does she always use them correctly. Her two favorite words at the moment are ball and hooray. Any time we mention a ball or show her a ball her face lights up and she excitedly exclaims 'ball!' It is so sweet. She enjoys the song 'If You're Happy and You Know It'. She not only will clap hands but will shout hurray and throw her arms in the air. She's like a little cheerleader.

Josie is pointing with her pointer finger a lot more now. That was something that she very rarely did and it worried me. I watched her do this multiple times this month point though. I am so proud of her!
Josie's speech and physical therapy has been going well. We really like her new speech lady and we are impressed with the ideas she has. One day she brought some pictures of different items for Josie to choose from when she wants something. I held up pictures of popcorn and Cheez-its one day and she pointed to the popcorn, so we had a popcorn snack. She was happy and I was happy that she was able to communicate what she wanted with me. 

Here are some more pictures from this month:
Josie loves being outside!
Josie happily chirps "ball" whenever she sees a ball. She gets so excited to kick or carry one around. 
We have been trying to get Josie interested in sign language. Each week we go to the library to pick up one or two different Signing Time DVDs. She loves watching them, but still only knows how to sign the word 'more.' Sophie loves watching them as well and has picked up quite a few signs. 
"Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes..."
Josie and her cousin, Jacob, are so darn cute together! Whenever we get together they gravitate towards each other. I hope they will be close friends growing up.
Sophie has been obsessed with putting hair into ponytails. She often puts her hair and mine into ponies. Josie has been her latest victim. Josie has been a pretty good sport about it. I'm a little jealous that she will let Sophie do her hair and not let me. 
Josie shrieks with delight when swinging. We try to go to the park multiple times a week so she can swing. 
We had to take Josie's car seat out of Joe's car this month. When we went to put it back in, we decided to go ahead and face her car seat forward. We know the recommendation is to wait until they are 2, but after weighing through the options we decided to do it early.  Josie loves facing forward, and Sophie loves that she can see Josie better. 

Josie's vocabulary

Josie's vocabulary

Good/good girl
Big girl (big-ga)
Hold me (sounds like it to me)
Apple (abble)

Used to say but doesn't anymore:
Ohhhh what

Things she's said this past month once or twice:
Bonk (when I get her out of her car seat in morning she will sometimes hit her head in the door frame. It happened one morning and she said this with her paci still in her mouth.)
Come on (at the babysitters house in reference to something on tv)
Fish (for goldfish)
Gold (for goldfish)