Happy birthday to Sophie! Where has the time gone? It really feels like just yesterday when I was at the hospital holding my tiny baby for the first time. I really can't believe that she is one.
I took today off so that I could spend it with Sophie. Sophie was still tired after she woke up, so we had a nice lazy morning. She even took her nap in bed with me up on my shoulder. She hasn't done this in over a month and I have missed it! It was like she knew I was sad about 'losing' my baby, so that was her anniversary of having a baby present to me. I loved it!
After our nap and lunch, I had to take Sophie to doctor's office for her one year check-up. I always feel a little defensive when I take Sophie to the doctor because of her size. If doctors aren't familiar with Sophie they tend to focus on her slow weight gain. The doctor that we saw today was one that she hasn't seen since after she was born. Luckily he was 'cool' and didn't stress over her size. She is 13lbs 8oz and 26 1/2 inches long. She still isn't on any chart, but she does follow her own growth curve. The doctor's only concern is making sure that she is getting enough calories each day (which we constanly worry about). Other than things were great with Sophie. She took her shots (3 of them and a toe prick) like a champ and only cried for a minute.
After the doctor's visit we ran a few errands. She slept part of the time but was awake at our last stop, the Dollar Tree. Their carts are a little smaller than those at other stores. When I put Sophie in the seat she was so excited because she could grab both sides of the cart. She was holding on with such a big grin on her face. It was obvious how proud she was of herself for being able to hold the cart. She was also very excited to play with the balloons that I bought. She stared up at them with wide eyes. When I showed her how to pull the string to make them move, she was in heaven. She played with them the whole way home.

When Joe got home from work, we let her open up her presents from us. She was very timid about the whole ordeal. She looked carefully at the card we bought her and really seemed to listen when Joe read it to her. She didn't quite know what to do about unwrapping gifts. She would make little tears so we had to help her out. Once there was a big enough tear for her to hold onto, she would give a big pull and rip off sections of wrapping paper. Of course she was more interested in eating the paper than the gifts that she unwrapped. She did take time though and touched each thing and play a little with them after unwrapping them. Such a sweetie.

As the night went on, the shots that she got at the doctor's office started to take their toll on her. She had a fever and became very irritable and clingy (rightfully so). Poor thing. It continued throughout the night. We tried everything to bring the fever down, but they were only quick fixes; soon she would be up again. Nothing seemed to soothe her either. I feel so helpless when this happens. What a cruddy end to her first birthday! Still, it was a wonderful day.
Happy birthday, my wonderful little girl!
More pictures after the jump
Playing with her new water table |
Reading her card from Mommy and Daddy |
Carefully tearing the paper off her present |
She just started putting up one finger the past few days. It is like she knows how old she is! |
My favorite present |